Custom Manufactured Rubber Conveyor Belt
Utilizing our global connections we have the ability to design & manufacturer the right belt for your specific application, not just the stock belt that may be closest at hand. Dedicated to all aspects of the manufacturing process & the highest level of quality control standards our principals ensure that their products provide the best value for our customers.
Custom Manufactured Rubber Conveyor Belts are available with a choice of Rubber Conveyor Belt Carcass Fabrics which include EP (Polyester/Nylon), NN or PP (Nylon/Nylon), Crows Foot Weave, PP or EE (Polyester/ Polyester) CC (Cotton/Cotton) & Steel Cord (ST).
Belt widths, belt edge construction, choice of cover grades & gauges are all determined by the customer’s specific conveying requirements & confirmed by our principals.
To assist in belt type selection please refer to the following Downloads: